• Professional Development

    CTP's has a highly structured and highly effective approach to professional development and job search.

  • Computer Technician Training

    High tech training, networking, virtualization, and cloud services. Fully updated instructor-led remote sessions. Dedicated datacenter access.

  • CTP's History

    In 1974, CTP had an intensive computer programing class that was highly successful. Employers considered CTP's graduates equally qualified as traditional CS university graduates of the time.

  • Instructor Led Remote Classes

    Our entire program has been revamped for the COVID era and beyond. Access classes, learning materials, and our data center from anywhere.

Join the CTP Family!

Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.

Recent Posts

The Dangers of Sitting

Recent scientific studies have shown that sitting for long periods, even for two hours, is unhealthy.   According to the Mayo Clinic, any extended sitting–whether behind a desk at work, in front of a TV or in a wheelchair–can be linked with a number of health concerns, including obesity and metabolic syndrome, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and …

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Ergonomic Workout

 Raise your eyebrows and open your eyes as wide as possible.  At the same time, open your mouth and stretch the muscles around your nose and chin and stick your tongue out.  Hold this stretch for 5-10 seconds. OK, so you might not want to do this at the office.  But when you’re by yourself . . . hey, why not?  It’s …

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Know Your Employment Rights (in ASL)

The Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center has created six “know your rights” videos in American Sign Language (ASL) with English captioning.  These videos, the first of their kind in the nation, provide critical legal information on a variety of employment issues in a format that’s accessible to deaf and hard of hearing workers.  The video titles are: Discrimination in the Workplace …

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Housing Workshop 101

If finding suitable housing is a concern of yours, you should know about the Housing Workshop 101 offered by the Center for Independent Living (CIL).  Conducted by Housing Consultant Max Dolan, some of the topics covered include: Housing subsidy information Updated housing leads Roommate registry Project-based Section 8 listings Housing search skills Senior resources While Max specializes in housing in …

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What’s Your Favorite Recipe?

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.”  If you think about it, it does make sense–after all, our body components are built from and maintained by the nutrients we take in.  What we eat is very important to our health and well being. With this in mind, the World Institute on Disability (WID) is putting out a …

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