• Professional Development

    CTP's has a highly structured and highly effective approach to professional development and job search.

  • Computer Technician Training

    High tech training, networking, virtualization, and cloud services. Fully updated instructor-led remote sessions. Dedicated datacenter access.

  • CTP's History

    In 1974, CTP had an intensive computer programing class that was highly successful. Employers considered CTP's graduates equally qualified as traditional CS university graduates of the time.

  • Instructor Led Remote Classes

    Our entire program has been revamped for the COVID era and beyond. Access classes, learning materials, and our data center from anywhere.

Join the CTP Family!

Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.

Recent Posts

Self-Medicate with Laughter

Having a disability is no laughing matter, yet laughter can definitely help us along the way.  Laughter is not just an amusing diversion.  Scientific studies have shown laughter has measurable beneficial effects–physically, psychologically and socially. Check out this blog that not only describes those benefits more fully, but also gives us specific instructions on how to increase the laughter to our lives.

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The Paralympic Experience (in Berkeley, no less!)

After you’ve watched the magnificent athletic prowess displayed at the London 2012 Paralympic Games (August 29 – September 9) on TV, you can test your own abilities in some of the same sports at 2012 Opening Day, an event sponsored by the Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP).  You’ll have a chance to try goalball, adapted cycling, power soccer and wheelchair basketball. BORP describes it …

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Help in Difficult Financial Times

No doubt about it–these are very difficult financial times for many Americans.  I hope you are not among those who are struggling, but if you are, help is available.  That help comes in both governmental and nonprofit flavors. The government program websites I’ve included here have some overlap, but they are all worth perusing for assistance with unemployment, housing, food and health services. For …

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Please vote for our project

Please vote for our project so we can provide stipends for our student volunteers. This help can make the difference for students with disabilities in being employable. http://technology.maker.good.is/projects/ComputerReUse

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2012 Paralympic Games Start Aug. 29

In the largest Paralympic Games ever, 4200 athletes from over 140 countries will be competing in 20 different games in the 2012 Summer Paralympic Games taking place between August 29 and September 9.  The city of London is bringing the Games back to the country that gave birth  to the Paralympic movement in 1948, when Dr. Ludwig Guttmann organized a  wheelchair archery competition at …

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