• Professional Development

    CTP's has a highly structured and highly effective approach to professional development and job search.

  • Computer Technician Training

    High tech training, networking, virtualization, and cloud services. Fully updated instructor-led remote sessions. Dedicated datacenter access.

  • CTP's History

    In 1974, CTP had an intensive computer programing class that was highly successful. Employers considered CTP's graduates equally qualified as traditional CS university graduates of the time.

  • Instructor Led Remote Classes

    Our entire program has been revamped for the COVID era and beyond. Access classes, learning materials, and our data center from anywhere.

Join the CTP Family!

Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.

Recent Posts

Congress Considers Changes that would Benefit People with Disabilities

There are two pieces of legislation being considered in Congress that stand to make a significant difference in the lives of millions of people with disabilities. One piece of legislation, just introduced, would make changes to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.  In order to understand the proposed changes, let’s first take a look at the current SSI program. SSI is a federal government …

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The Promise of Self-Driving Cars

You’ve probably heard a lot in the media lately about self-driving cars, or auto-autos, as I think of them.  The original idea was to reduce human error and provide enhanced safety, but just think what they could do for people with disabilities!  For a sneak preview of the future, watch this video of a man with a visual impairment in a …

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TV Closed Captioning is about to Improve

Although there have been TV closed captioning rules in place for some time, the quality of the captioning has been variable–to be polite about it.  On February 20, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved new rules that clarify and refine quality standards that will be required for television closed captioning in the future. The FCC states that under the new rules captions must be: Accurate: …

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Prison-Trained Service Dog Is Pivotal For Boy With Autism

Zach Tucker, who has Asperger’s syndrome, stopped hugging his parents when he was 5.  At age 9 he was still doing kindergarten work, and he would stay up all night crying. Then they got Clyde, a service dog specially trained to work with Zack and his autism. The first night Clyde stayed with Zack, the all night crying stopped.  Within three weeks he …

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Safety Tips for People with Disabilities to Avoid Getting Mugged

Statistics show that mobility-impaired and visually-impaired people are more often targeted by muggers, who assume they are an easy mark.  You can help reduce the likelihood of getting mugged by following these safety tips put together by Marsha Saxton of the World Institute on Disability (WID): Avoid isolated areas, uninhabited parks, parking lots, garages, and alleyways; stick to well-lit, high traffic areas. Be aware.  …

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