Mechanics Bank Mock Interviewing Event

by Elizabeth Bell, CTP PRO Student

On Friday, March 22, 2019, CTP students had mock interviews with employees of Mechanics Bank of San Francisco. The mock interviews were held at CTP’s offices as a way to help students prepare for real job interviews once they complete the program.

“It’s best to get feedback from the source,” commented Aubrey Green, CTP’s Employment Services Director.

Before the mock interviews, CTP’s current students prepared their resumes, Linkedin profiles,  and 30-second elevator pitches. They also attended job fairs and completed written answers to frequently asked interview questions.

The afternoon’s events started with the students introducing themselves by stating their name and job goal. Then the interviews started and included one or two interviews per student. Some questions asked during the interviews were: “Tell me about yourself.”, “How would you deal with an unsatisfied customer?”, and “Do you have any questions for the interviewer?”

After the interviews, the students had a lively conversation about the event. Judging by this conversation, they found the event very helpful and enjoyed the practical experience and the specific feedback they received. CTP student R. Rice said, “I haven’t been interviewed in 30 years. I was very nervous going in, but she made me feel comfortable and put me at ease. At the end, she gave me a tip.” S. Farley, another student, said, “They were really down-to-earth and positive and informative and gave me advice.”

The Mechanics Bank representatives also commented on the positive experience. “I thought today’s workshop was really well organized,” said Jennie Victor, Learning and Development Specialist. “I like how Aubrey prepared participants and interviewers for what to expect during the interview process. The most positive thing is learning about different training programs available in the community and meeting new people.”

Sandra Ybarra, Human Resources Assistant, added, “Aside from fun and exciting, it allowed me to connect with the community but also gave me the opportunity to reflect on people and to take in their insight and experiences they share and relate their experiences. Most people have so much opportunity. I like to expose that to maximize their opportunity.”

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