Ramping Up for Independence

six-part training series for transition-age youth with disabilities and their parents will begin in January at the Ed Roberts Campus.  Designed for youth with autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, etc., the Ramping Up for Independence series will be presented by East Bay Innovations, Ala Costa Center, Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, and WorkLink.  The dates and topics are as follows:

January 18 – Dreaming Big and Getting Practical: How to Navigate Work, Housing, Relationships, College, and Fun After High School

February 15 – Making Work Work: Taking a Close Look at Employment Possibilities

March 21 – It’s Your Move: Exploring Housing and Living Support Options

April 18 – Searching for Relationships: Making Connections that Matter

May 16 – Considering College: Learning what’s Available and How to Get It

June 20 – Recipes for Recreation: Expanding Your Repertoire for Fun

If you’d like to sign up for one, a few, or all six parts just email Linda Rathner at [email protected] and she’ll get you set up.

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Second Annual Fitness Fair – June 7

Fitness and disability are not mutually exclusive.  Come to the Second Annual Fitness Fair and …

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